SUP Yoga:
Finding centre, having fun

Stand up paddle board yoga (SUP yoga) has become one of the most popular disciplines of the sport. The U.S. state of Florida claims point of origin, but regardless of where it began, this unique approach to yoga is gaining momentum, with classes, retreats, and festivals happening wherever in the world there is water. 

People are practicing on indoor and outdoor pools and other calm, flat water, as well as experimenting with currents. For yoga enthusiasts looking for a new way to do what you love, below is a great personal story about a yoga purist and her thoughts about paddle board yoga after trying it. Could be all the encouragement you need to give it a try—and perhaps become a convert, too.

yoga enthusiast

Dockslocks locking system

Ami Dodd and Glenn Payne demonstrate Acro Yoga on a Stand Up Paddle Board SUP. This was Glenn's first time on a SUP! Using a Red Paddle Co. 10' 8" Mega Inflatable. Lake Anne Plaza Reston, Virginia VA

Paddle board yoga events can be found around the world, from across the U.S., including Hawaii, to Canada, Mexico, Costa, Rica, Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka, Australia, and New Zealand. This is just the short list, and it continues to grow (see links below).

Start by learning the basics of stand up paddle boarding (link to 2A). Be sure to acquire a board that has the appropriate volume needed for your weight (link to 2D). A board with more than the minimum volume will ensure confident stability and buoyancy. Learning the paddle boarding part is easy, with most able to balance and paddle within half an hour of their first time on a board. From there, SUP yoga is simply a natural extension.

Infuse your soul with therapeutic benefits

The benefits are obvious: the challenge of yoga, with the challenge of balancing on water while performing yoga offers a fabulous opportunity for whole body strengthening and targeted core fitness. Begin with some flat water, blue sky and a calm breeze; surround yourself with the magic of nature, and…bliss.

SUP Yoga – Getting started. Plenty of good tips here for those wanting to begin practising yoga on a stand up paddle board.


Lucky Bum's family paddle board
Sunglasses at West Marine

SUP yoga Guru Chantal O'Sullivan from Tsawwassen, B.C. Canada practising yoga on a Paiwen board. To read more about Chantal go to

 The Paiwen board ... made for women
This is board is unique board ... it offers quality, beauty, and reasonable pricing in one complete package. see full review

Equinox Yogi Dice lida-Klein masters the floating flow. By Equinox

The golden rules of SUP yoga by PaddlingTV

SUP yoga retreats


LOCATION: Rincon, Puerto Rico


LOCATION: Matara, Siri Lanka



LOCATION: Nova Scotia


Stand Up Paddle Yoga Podcast

Radio Podcast for SUP - including yoga


Paddle Board Yoga Classes


LOCATION: Miami - various locations


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