SUP gear reviews
locking systems and tie downs

Kaimano Surf Locking Systems

At the request of Kaimano Surf Locking Systems, we tested and reviewed the following Kaimano Locking system

May 30, 2017


  • Longboard surf and SUP board locking system 
  • Choose a prefered lock and cable or purchase a complete set with Bully lock and cable from Kaimano.
  • Lock and cable supplied by "Bully Locks" in Texas
  • Securement parts are made in Oceanside, California, U..S.A.
  • At this point, packaged by hand by owner
  • Designed for “one time” installation although, can easily and quickly be removed 
  • Fits into a *standard longboard fin box (*see footnote below) 
  • First product release February 25, 2017
  • SEE VIDEO at the bottom of this review to view installation


Package without lock and cable:

  • Comes with two securement pieces, two screws, instructions, fin key, and a wood dowel tool to use like a finger
  • Lightweight!
  • Unique — This lock system is only one of two board locking systems on the market, that sits level or below the depth of the fin box.
  • You may choose to purchase this system with or without the lock and cable
  • The securement and securement extender are both thoughtfully designed for quick install. Subtleties in its two-piece shaping allows for easy entrance into the fin box opening and no fuss merging of the two.

Package with lock and cable:

  • Same description as above, with “Bully” lock and cable added
  • Everything about the lock and cable is STURDY!


Owner/creator and second generation surfer, Todd Viveiros says "the securement and securement extender are made of marine quality aluminum". This means these two parts have brut strength and are highly resistant to corrosion from sea water or any water. 


The Securement:

  • This system can be purchased with or without the lock and cable. To purchace without the Kaimano "Bully" brand lock and cable means one can choose a personal or preferred lock and cable
  • The two securement pieces when installed are designed to have some movement/shift (they slide back and forth) so that the process of pushing the lock bar through the securement is made easy by providing the room the lock bar needs to make a turn.
  • Securement and securement extender are made of marine quality aluminum.

The Lock and cable:

  • The lock has a rubber outer covering to avoid board scratches. STURDY
  • The cable diameter - 5/16” plus plastic casing. The loop end is secured within a 1 1/4” length of steel 

NOTE: the locks used for this testing/review are:

 “Hercules” U.S.A. 600 with a lock bar length of 1 5/8”. 

And the Kamano chosen “Bully” lock - lock bar length 1 5/8” and wrapped in rubber—nice!

NOTE: All comments referring to fitting the lock bar into the securement are relative to the measurement of the lock bar length. 


  • The term “standard” longboard fin box is in fact not entirely standard. Each longboard fin box brand can vary slightly in length and have different sized holes/openings at the point where the fin and locking system are dropped into. The larger the fin box hole the quicker and easier it is to install the securement and securement extender. Either way, it is still an easy and quick install. If the securement and securement extender are a tight fit for your fin box, use the supplied wood dowel. Or a pair of tweezers can be a helpful tool to complete the install
  • SEE VIDEO at the bottom of this review to view installation
  • This invention was very carefully thought out:
  • a) the merging of the securement and securement extender are a precise fit 
  • b) the securement has a bevelled edge at each end. This ensures installation for varying fin box depths
  • c) the two-piece system ensures that this device will never fall out unless is it physically taken apart and removed eg. if you have ever lost a cleat/plate from road vibration, that can't happen to this securement system
  • d) once installed the unit can slide back and forth to accommodate the room needed to  push a lock bar through the securement
  • e) in general and depending on the lock used, approximately 2” of length/space is needed between the fin edge and the fin box edge to have room to push the lock bar into the securement.—So, a standard fin base length of 8” or less should accommodate this locking system, providing your fin box measure is a true 10” in length
  • f) depending on the depth of your fin box, the securement and securement extender may sit a fraction below, or flush, or a fraction above the depth of the fin box.
  • g) depending on the cable style, length and brand used, there are endless possibilities for where and how you choose to secure your board/boards.


THIS LOCKING SYSTEM IS IMPRESSIVE! The Kaimano locking system can sit within the fin box for as long as needed without compromise. The lock bar slips into the securement quickly and smoothly. Having a choice of cable size and style creates endless possibilities for securement. If your purchase choice is “with lock and cable” you won’t be disappointed…the lock is wrapped in rubber to avoid board damage and the cable is reasonably thick. The system looks tough and secure and evokes the impression that could certainly deter the impulsive thief. The price is competitive AND the man behind the product (Todd Viveiros) is passionate about taking a stand to keep boards safe from theft.

NOTE: Keep in mind; if you use a large fin that has a long base of more than 8”,  the two securement pieces may still fit but the lock bar may not have enough room to push through the securement. Overall, the Kaimano system is thoughtfully designed, made of strong materials and truly a work of art.

*The word “standard” longboard fin box is a loose term. Standard longboard fin boxes should be 10” but actually can vary in length e.g. a 14’ Surface Bark Downwinder  has a 10” long fin box and a 12’ Boardworks Raven 2 has a 9 5/8 “long fin box. The Kaimano securement and securement extender installed along side a standard single fin, fits both of these boards. Exception; a very large fin that has a particularly long base of 8 1/2” or more may not leave enough room to insert a lock bar into the securement.

If you would like to purchase a Kaimano locking system, place your order in the following submission form. Your order will be invoiced and shipped to you directly by "Kaimano Locking Systems". Prices listed are in U.S. dollars.

NSI Garb SUP Tie Down straps

May 17/17


NSI Garb SUP Tie Down straps


I've been using these straps as added securement since 2014. They are a great supplement/add-on along with a Thule SUP Taxi when traveling distance. Secure and simple to use.


  • powder coated "S" hooks with loops
  • small section of stretch/give
  • straps are 7/8 in wide


  • These straps are quick and super easy to use.
  • This is not a Cam Style strap – no extra hardware.
  • Adjustable in length for up to two boards
  • We like the powder coated "S" hooks and loop system for speed and no extra metal parts that could scratch your board
  • Simply, easy and secure! Highly recommended.

More Consumer Reviews - NSI tie down straps 

NSI Garb Tie Down Straps

Dockslocks Paddle Board Locking System

Dockslocks locking system

April 25/14


Paddle board locking system


Good quality, secure and simple to use. Read more in the following SUP gear review.


Dockslocks sells a standard surf and stand up paddle board kit and offers a wake and kite board kit. Additional replacement pieces can be purchased separately. The 10 foot cable fits around most anything you would expect to teather it to - from a pole to a large tree.    


  • Dockslocks will fits most fin boxes because of its low profile plate design. That's a plus!
  • This locking systems works in the same way a bicycle locking system works. The lock itself attaches to a leash plug or you can use the fin box with their specific cleat. It is very easy to use and safely protects your board from casual theft (like locking up a bicycle). I now comfortably walk away from my board.  
  • The price is certainly worth it for what it is and what it does. 
  • An extra lock can be purchased to secure two boards at the same time. This system is quick to attach, easy to use, and compact.

More Consumer Reviews Dockslocks

DockLocks SUP and Surf Board Lock One Size

DocksLocks Surfboard and SUP Lock from Sean Carmichael on Vimeo.

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