Bill Whidden senior paddle boarding

Read the following, fascinating profiles of Senior paddle boarding enthusiasts:


Bill Whidden senior paddle boarding:
Managing Partner - Blue World Paddle, Surf & Skate - 2015

  • Ambassador for Indigo Boards
  • Owner: Surfboards Miami
  • Founding member of CocoPlum Navy
  • Avid SUP racer
  • Supporter and member of Surfrider Foundation – Miami Florida
  • Certified Personal Trainer

SUP is a fanatastic sport for seniors.  Low impact, great cardio, excellent balance and coordination training and a low initial equipment investment to get on the water.  Most of all it’s FUN!  Get out there and enjoy!
–  SUP advice from Bill

Bill Whidden senior paddle boarding - Absolutely crushing it on the paddle board!


Above photo: Bill Whiddon at 61years young during the “Paddle 4 People” race at Miami Beach.

Bill Whidden senior paddle boarding

Kathy – In the “Modern Aging” video (this will be a link to the video) you affectionately talk about your decades of traditional surfing. Transitioning from surf to SUP is certainly a common story for veteran surfers. In the “Modern Aging” video you have explained that stand up paddle boarding is a natural extension of surfing. How did you discover paddle boarding and what was your immediate impression at the time?

When I first saw a stand up paddle boarder was in summer of 2007.  I was paddling my longboard surfboard to stay in paddle shape for surfing and this guy paddles up to me on a SUP.  Steve Periera, a local South Beach guy (he became my good friend and SUP surf buddy)  Steve asked me if I wanted to give it try and that started it.

Kathy – How soon after did your SUP racing career begin?

I started racing in the first SUP race in Miami in 2008.  I was on a 12’ surf style board I had made.  (I own Surfboards Miami, we build custom surfboards so I naturally designed and built several early surf style SUP’’s.  They were heavy, massive things, I didn’t win. I got serious when I ordered a custom carbon 12’6” Hobie a year later.

Bill Whidden senior paddle boarding

 Kathy – It is clear you have strong roots in surf and SUP circles. At this point in your career the bulk of your SUP portfolio consists of racing, conditioning and training for racing. What drives you to race competitively?

SUP racing is great fun.  The SUP community is a fanatic group of watermen and women that love the sport and are very competitive. Now as an owner of Blue World Paddle we have a pro team that we support and train. It’s great inspiration of be around all that positive, competitive energy. Keeps me psyched to train hard to beat all those 35 year old youngsters!

Kathy – What advice and encouragement do you give to the potential paddler who expresses the desire to race but hesitates out of unjustified discomfort or fear?

I would suggest starting out in a recreational class race or surf style board class.  Also enter in the shortest course.  Keep it fun.  Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!


Above Photo: 
Bill pictured, after a race, with one of his Indigo recreational/race board designs.

Read the following, fascinating profiles of Senior paddle boarding enthusiasts:


Kathy – The June 8, 2012 “Bimini-Miami Bluewater Challenge” where Thaddeus Foote and yourself paddled from Miami to Bimini, crossing the Gulf Stream, is impressive” to say the least.” This experience comes across as a daunting yet immensely satisfying adventure. Now asked, (now 2 1/2 years later,) how do you describe this experience? It was a long day.

80 miles crossing the Gulf Stream was the the climax of 8 months of tough training, diet adjustments, and organizing the logistics of the trip, sponsors etc.

Kathy –  Is there another paddle challenge in the works for the future?

Right now I am working on building the Blue World Paddle brand, shop and team. We are working on a race series that we will be sponsoring in the near future. My days are filled with new paddle challenges everyday.

Bill Whidden senior paddle boarding

Kathy – “Surfrider Foundation – Rise Above Plastics” and “C4 Waterman” are the two sponsors listed as a supporters for the “Bimini-Miami Bluewater Challenge.”How do you continue to support the “Rise Above Plastics” cause?

I still am an active member and support of Surfrider Fountation

Kathy - Tell us about “Blue World Paddle, Surf & Skate.” How did it get from idea to reality…what’s your story?

I retired in 2014 from 35 years in a corporate career.  I had been talking to my friend and paddling teammate abut the concept of starting a shop.  One thing lead to another and we opened Blue World Paddle Nov. 1st of this year.  So I basically retired into a 7 day a week, 10 hour a day job that is my passion! Awesome!

Kathy – There are many personal stories on various forums about the “board buying experience” in particular, the challenges. Some complain of, conflicting advice or being talked into purchasing a board without the opportunity to try it. What measures does “Blue World Paddle” take, to ensure customers are matched to the right board, especially for the first time buyer?

I would suggest a first time buyer spend several hours getting quality instruction and renting a board to see if this is something that appeals to the individual.

Check with your local shops to see if they offer demo boards or have a demo day where customers can experience and compare different boards and paddles at one time. Races are also a good place to check out lots of board styles and brands in one place. Blue Water Paddle does a Saturday morning paddle training and after the session we have board and paddle demo opportunities.

Stability is my #1 suggestion for an entry level paddler. Make sure the board is stable.  Wide enough and long enough for the paddlers size and weight. Also the learning curve is so fast with the sport of SUP that you also want to get a board that your skill will not out grow to quickly.  Do your research and then talk to paddlers and your local shop.   Also get a good paddle. Spending a little on a lighter quality paddle will make your overall experience more enjoyable.

Steer clear of the big box retailers and the “package” deals.

Kathy – South Florida is one of those places you can easily paddle all year round in terms of weather conditions. Paint us a picture…what it is like to paddle these waters.

South Florida is without a doubt one of the finest paddling environments in the world.  Very diverse waters to explore.  From SUP fishing, diving, recreational exploration, and even SUP yoga classes.  From Miami to the Florida Key and around to the Thousand Island on the Gulf, we live in a paddlers paradise.

We have a great competitive race community and an expanding race calendar.

South Florida is a fantastic place to enjoy every aspect of this great sport.

Kathy – Since your engagement in the world of stand up paddle boarding, what is your observation regarding the growth in volume of SUP senior enthusiasts and what percentage of boards do you sell to this group?

In South Florida we have seen a great deal of interest in SUP by the over 50 demographic.  Our paddle training group is now about 40 members and of these about 50% are over 50.  The interest in SUP by seniors is exploding.  Board sales at our shop are over 50% to seniors.

It is a healthy fun sport for seniors and something that they can grow with continue to do for years.

Kathy – Stand up paddle boarding is still growing exponentially. What is your perspective on SUP trends…where are we and where are we headed?

That is a great question. SUP is expanding into so many different direction, fishing boards, yoga boards, race, expedition, new materials and designs. It is an exciting time to be involved in this sport and the SUP industry.

Bill Whidden senior paddle boarding


Above photo: Dawn reflections at Biscayne Bay during a Cocoplum Navy training session.

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